Sunday, October 23, 2011

FM Transmitter 88

This FM transmitter can work from a range of 88MHz to 108MHz. This transmitter circuit using a transistor 2SC1971 final transmitter. Which has been modulated RF signal in the transmitter circuit is confirmed in three levels namely first starts boosted by the amplifier transistor 2SC2053 is then strengthened again by the first amplifier transistor 2SC1970 and finally confirmed by an amplifier transistor 2SC1971. FM trnsmitter this series can be directly given input signal in the form of an audio signal. Transmitter circuit is working with the source voltage to the 12VDC and 9VDC trnsmitternya to bgin oscilator and mixernya. Transmitter circuit in this article are mono FM transmitter and is often used by hobiest and amateur radio. The circuit details of this transmitter can be seen in the following figure. 

Transmitter operating frequency can be set using the potential of 88MH 5K meters - 108MHz. Oscillator circuit is applied to the transmitter uses a system of VCO (Voltage Control Oscilator) made with diodes varaktor. Transmitter circuit are complete with pictures supplynya ehingga power circuit can be understood with less ease.

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