Sunday, October 23, 2011

Booster 100 Watt FM transmitter 2011

I did some changes like in the buffer 2SC2053 just replace the resistor for the bias voltage. Section final with a 2SC1971 2SC2053 replaced. With this change the RF output generated around 3 watts. While the RF Power Amplifier using 2SC1946A 2SC1971 and 2SC2782 replaced. With this PA RF output power can reach more than 100 watts at 15 volts DC voltage. Total currents measured on the structure of this transmitter circuit at 14 amps DC.

Seen here that the PA board (2SC2782 & 2SC1946A) had burns on his part due to the PCB track-tuned and miss my plate and replace it with copper wire. PA RF PCB should use materials from fiber 2 sides (double layer) and each point / hole on the line intended to connect the top and bottom. Use copper wire that is less than 1mm and in-solder the top and bottom, see figure PCB layout and arrangement of components in the image below.
List of Components:

* R1, R2 - 1 ohm / 1 / 2 watt, carbon
* R3 - 15 ohms / 1 / 4 watt
* C1, C2, C12 - 10nF, ceramic
* C4 - 22pf, 15pf ceramic 25pf variable capacitor diparalel
* C5 - 60pf, variable capacitor (plastic)
* C6 - 1NF, ceramics
* C7 - 34pf, 22pf, 15pf ceramic diparalel
* C8 - 15pf, ceramic
* C9, C10 - 15pf, 250V silver mica
* C11 - 120pf, variable capacitors
* L1, L3 - Copper 1 mm, diameter 5 mm, 3 convolution
* L2 - Copper 1.2 mm, diameter 5 mm, 3 convolution
* L4, L5 - Copper 1 mm, diameter 5 mm, 6 convolution
* FB1, FB2, FB3 - 2 Ferrite bit diseri
* FB4, FB5 - 1 Ferrite beat (6 holes), wrapped in copper 1 mm to 2 convolution

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